Hi Luca,
Ok, well the 1100 would be the natural choice to go down to from the 1400/1430 Carve/Carve 2.0 - will be faster, turn tight and have less lift/glide than either of those 1400's.
The Glide will have more pump/glide, ie it will stay up longer during the gybes or tacks, but takes a touch more effort to get up than the 1100 Carve. Will also not turn as tight as the Carve 1100. Not good for jumping either. So as you are still learning, the Glide will be better for your tacks/improving the gybes. If you want to go into the waves later/do some freestyle, then I would stick with the Carve range. If you want to immediately improve tacks and gybes and will not be jumping much/mainly on Lakes, then the Glide is a good option.
Both are great foils, it's just a question of style/type of riding, feel free to ask more questions, also on our Disqus feature on the Duotone website, bottom of each product page.